The average house price on AMBARES COURT is £436,680
The most expensive house in the street is 6 AMBARES COURT with an estimated value of £562,254
The cheapest house in the street is 3 AMBARES COURT with an estimated value of £381,236
The house which was most recently sold was 5 AMBARES COURT, this sold on 27 Aug 2014 for £279,000
The postcode for AMBARES COURT is BA3 2JG
AddressProperty TypeCurrent Estimated ValuePrice PaidDate
1 AMBARES COURT Detached £383,879 £224,000 7 Oct 2010
2 AMBARES COURT Detached £435,883 £116,950 16 Aug 2000
3 AMBARES COURT Detached £381,236 £210,000 7 Dec 2005
4 AMBARES COURT Detached £431,209 £116,950 27 Oct 2000
5 AMBARES COURT Detached £425,622 £279,000 27 Aug 2014
6 AMBARES COURT Detached £562,254 £159,500 19 Mar 2001